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How to Hack Psychology today for MORE CALLS!!

May 20

As a therapist or mental health professional, your main goal is to help your clients overcome their challenges and improve their mental well-being. However, you need to have a steady flow of clients to do so. One of the most popular ways to achieve this is by utilizing Psychology Today, the largest online directory of therapists, psychiatrists, and counselors.

In this blog post, we'll discuss practical tips to help you get more leads from Psychology Today and fill your practice fast.

Optimize Your Psychology Today Profile

Optimizing your profile is the first and most crucial step to getting more leads from Psychology Today. This means making sure your profile is complete, accurate, and engaging. Your profile is often the first impression a potential client will have of you, so it's essential to make it count.

Ensure you have a professional headshot, a well-written bio showcasing your expertise and experience, and a list of your services. Include information about your education, credentials, and any specialized training you've received.

You should also include relevant keywords in your profile, which will help your profile appear in search results. For example, if you specialize in anxiety, have the word "anxiety" in your profile. Rember to keep it simple, who you are, what you do where you do it is core to your profile.

Get More Psychology Today Reviews

Reviews are another essential factor influencing a potential client's decision to choose you as their therapist. The more positive your reviews are, the more likely someone will reach out to you.

Encourage current and former clients to leave reviews on your Psychology Today profile. You can do this by sending them a follow-up email after their session or passively asking for a review via a link on your website. If they are satisfied with your services, they are usually happy to help.

Respond Quickly to Psychology Today Inquiries

When a potential client reaches out to you through Psychology Today, responding quickly is essential. The faster you respond, the more likely they will choose you as their therapist.

Check your email frequently and respond to inquiries within 24 hours. If you cannot take on a new client now, let them know and offer to refer them to another therapist who may fit their needs well.

Offer a Free Consultation

Offering a free consultation is a great way to attract new clients and show them the value of your services. This can be a short phone call or video chat where you discuss their needs and how you can help them.

Include information about your free consultation in your Psychology Today profile and website. This will make it clear to potential clients that you can talk to and help them.

Use Psychology Todays Paid Advertising

If you're looking to fill your practice fast, paid advertising can be a great way to attract new clients quickly. Psychology Today offers several advertising options, including a Featured Therapist listing and targeted display ads.

Before investing in paid advertising, understand your target audience and budget clearly. Tracking your results and adjusting your strategy as needed is also essential.


Getting more leads from Psychology Today and filling your practice fast requires a combination of optimizing your profile, getting more reviews, responding quickly to inquiries, offering a free consultation, and using paid advertising. By following these tips, you can attract more clients and help more people improve their mental well-being. For more advanced lead generation strategies book a call today.