All About Austin Music Journal

Massage Mesa AZ

Nov 16

How often should you get a massage?


This massage is great for relaxation and general health. Massage therapy can help you relax and improve your health.


Massage for Stress Management: It is recommended that you have at least one massage treatment per week for those who work in stressful environments or live in difficult areas. These people can benefit from massage therapy to manage stress. A weekly massage can reduce stress and tension. You can find it comforting to know you will get massage therapy every other week.


Massage Therapy for Pain Reduction and Management

For pain management and reduction, a different frequency is needed. Sometimes called "diminishing frequency". For severe pain, massage therapy is an option that doesn't require medical intervention. The client's response to the Massage Mesa AZ therapy may dictate whether the treatment is continued for the second or third time. As the pain subsides, massage therapy frequency will decrease. In the beginning, it may be one week per week. Then, it might be reduced to once a week or less often.

Massage Therapy for Athletes

The frequency of massages that athletes receive will vary depending on their sport, training schedule, and goals. A massage therapist can help athletes create a massage therapy program that meets their needs.


Mothers: Every three weeks - Once a month

Motherhood can be difficult. It can be hard to relax and de-stress after carrying young children. Monthly massages can be a great way for moms to relax and unwind. This is a great way for moms to relax and release tension from the demands of motherhood.


Injuries: It all depends on the severity, location, and time.

Massage therapists can use many massage techniques to treat injuries. Massage can be used for soft tissue injuries, increasing circulation, scar tissue removal, and improving range of motion. How often you need to be massaged will depend on the results of your first session with the therapists. The instructions on your insurance referral will also help determine this. To aid in healing, injured massage clients visit often once per week.


Chronic pain: It all comes down to the individual.

A massage is a great option for chronic pain sufferers because it reduces pain and calms nerves. Because each client is different, chronic pain clients may receive a massage at a time that suits them. Chronic pain clients may visit once per week to manage their symptoms. Others may visit every two to three days. Your massage therapist will recommend treatment based on their first session.




Although massage is an enjoyable and highly beneficial way to pamper yourself, it might not be within your budget. Massages are affordable because there are many options. You can purchase massage packages online or in our office. We also offer monthly memberships and occasional promotions that allow you to try different types of treatments without having to commit fully. This is great if you have never tried them before because you never know what might work. You don't have to take any risks by trying something new.

It all depends on how frequently you need your next session, and what is within your budget.


Massage Mesa

Mesa Az

(480) 992 5050